Sunday, July 8, 2018

Jedi Meditation Made Easy

I've found numerous websites and Facebook groups founded by people who claim to be following a version of the Jedi religion from the Star Wars saga. It always amuses me how people can refer to themselves as a "Jedi Master" when there really isn't a Jedi Order to bestow such a title on anyone. Of course, I realize that these people likely gave themselves that title or it was given to them by the group to which they belonged.

That being said, I've done a bit of research on such groups (being a fan of Star Wars, myself) and decided that I have as much right as any of them to offer instruction in two methods of Jedi meditation.

So, here I go:

The Greater Meditation

This method involves a total involvement by the person meditating and requires committing yourself for a certain period of time, as opposed to the Lesser Meditation described below.

Before you become accustomed to this method, it is advised that you allow yourself to be as physically comfortable as possible. I suggest that you bathe, brush your teeth, wear comfortable clothes and have something to eat or drink, if you feel the need. Not taking care of these things beforehand may prove to be a distraction while you are meditating. You may eventually be able to meditate even if you were covered head-to-toe in mud, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Set a timer to for about twenty minutes before you begin. This is advisable when starting, though you can eventually progress to meditate for longer periods of time. As you needed to learn how to crawl before you could walk and walk before you could run, you should start with a short period of time before you begin meditating for longer stretches of time, if you feel the need to do so. I think twenty minutes is just about right. Playing a twenty minute clip of "meditation music" may be helpful for some, but it could also provide a source of distraction. Do whichever works best for you. Personally, I prefer to meditate in as quiet an environment as possible.

I advise that you sit while doing this meditation, as standing may become disorienting and tiring. However, you could remain standing, if you are comfortable with it. However, you should not lay down, as you could accidentally fall asleep while meditating.

First, assume a seated position that is comfortable. You can sit in a chair with a back or sit cross-legged on the floor, whichever you prefer. The Lotus Position can be uncomfortable and distracting to people who are not used to it, so I advise against it. When seated, keep your back straight and your hands in your lap, palms up. Set the timer and close your eyes.

Allow yourself a minute to settle-into your meditation. Simply breathe in and out for about a minute.

When you feel settled, mentally repeat this mantra in your mind without speaking it out loud:
"I am one with the Force; the Force is with me."

Yes, you first heard that line in the movie "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story".

Repeat this mantra when you breathe in. Take slow, even breaths and try not to rush.

You may find yourself becoming distracted by external stimuli. This will be a problem when first starting-out, but you'll begin to be able to block out such distractions with enough practice. Don't worry about your becoming distracted, but do not allow yourself to remain so. When you become aware that you have been distracted, mentally pull yourself away for it and return to mentally chanting the mantra,

Breathe in,
"I am one with the Force; the Force is with me.",
Breathe out,
Breathe in,
"I am one with the Force; the Force is with me."
Breathe out,
and so on.

You may find that you've lost track of time and may start wondering how much has actually gone by. Don't worry about such things.

Breathe in,
"I am one with the Force; the Force is with me."
Breathe out,

Eventually, your timer will sound. Reach over and shut it off. Remain seated for a couple of minutes to allow yourself to ease-out of your meditation.

That's it.

The Lesser Meditation

In some ways, the Lesser Meditation is more versatile than the Greater, because it can be done anywhere and for any amount of time, long or short. You could do this while seated, standing or laying down.

Like the Greater Meditation, you breathe in and mentally recite the mantra "The Force is with me; I am one with the Force." and then exhale. There is no need for you to close your eyes and I would usually advise you to keep them open during the Lesser Meditation.

This method can be done when you are waiting in line at the store, when you find yourself getting angry for some reason, you're stuck in traffic, having a hard time sleeping, etc. There is no such this as this meditation not being long enough. It simply allows you to calm and center yourself as needed.


These methods could each have their respective place in your life. The Greater Meditation should be done once or twice everyday, depending on your available time. Some may prefer to do it once in the morning as they get ready to start their day and once at night as they prepare for bed. A minimum of once daily is advised.

While the Greater Meditation involves a dedicated amount of time, the Lesser Meditation can help you relieve the stressful things that arise throughout your day and can be helpful in maintaining your inner balance and peace.

So, each serves an important function.

This blog entry isn't going to encourage you to go out and buy a lightsaber, Jedi robes or any books. Instead, I offer to you instruction on meditation techniques that you can easily learn and use.

If you try either of them, let me know in the Comments section how it's going for you. I will not allow anyone to try to sell merchandise in the Comments section and such comments will be deleted.

May the Force be with you.

Jedi Master Duane Browning

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