Better Business Bureau is advising consumers to use caution when considering doing business with AutoProtect USA. BBB has received a pattern of consumer complaints alleging misleading advertising, failure to cover needed repairs, failure to remove consumers from mailing and no-call lists, high pressure sales tactics, failure to cancel contracts, failure to provide refunds and poor customer service.On April 19, 2023, BBB sent a letter to AutoProtect USA. The company did not respond.
They also posted this:
In September 2021, Better Business Bureau questioned AutoProtect USA's marketing email which stated:
“CALL BEFORE: September 29, 2021”
“Our records indicate that you have not contacted us regarding the vehicle service contract on your vehicle.”
“You are receiving this notice because your factory warranty has expired or may be about to expire.”
“By neglecting to activate your coverage you will be at risk of being financially liable for any and all repairs after your factory warranty expires. However, you still may have time left to activate coverage on your vehicle before it’s too late.”
“This may be our only attempt to contact you about activating your Vehicle Service Contract.”
According to BBB Code of Advertising, “The primary responsibility for truthful and non-deceptive advertising rests with the advertiser. Advertisers should be prepared to substantiate any objective claims or offers made before publication or broadcast. Upon request, they should present such substantiation promptly to the advertising medium or BBB. Advertisements which are untrue, misleading, deceptive, fraudulent, falsely disparaging of competitors, or insincere offers to sell, shall not be used. An advertisement as a whole may be misleading by implication, although every sentence separately considered may be literally true. Misrepresentation may result not only from direct statements, but by omitting or obscuring a material fact. In addition, according to the Missouri state statute 15 CSR 60-7.020 (1): “A seller shall not make a representation or statement of fact in an advertisement that is false or has the capacity to mislead prospective purchasers.”
BBB requested the business substantiate, modify or discontinue the claims made in its advertising. The company did not respond to BBB’s request.
On the BBB listing, Cody Moore's name does not appear. Instead, an individual named Jeremy Stout is listed as "Director of Customer Relations". If Mr Stout is supposed to be handling customer relations, he doesn't appear to be doing a very good job.
I even found Mr Moore's Facebook and LinkedIn pages and there is no mention of AutoProtect USA, which is a bit odd because he's the registered agent for that company in Missouri. However, he does mention working for another company, HomeProtect USA, on his Facebook page, as well as his own insurance company, Moore Insurance Team.
I will not reveal the link to his Facebook page because he has pictures of his children on it. So, let's leave his family out of it, okay?
Some Conclusions
It's difficult to determine exactly how involved Cody Moore actually is in the day-to-day workings of AutoProtect USA, aside from being the registered agent of the company. According to the BBB listing, Jeremy Stout appears to be more involved, especially since he actually mentions it and HomeProtect USA on his Facebook page, while Moore does not and I cannot determine if they even know each other.
If Cody Moore finds this blog post and if he had been previously unaware of the accusations of AutoProtect USA being some kind of scam, then I sincerely advise him to take some sort of action to correct the situation. People don't like receiving suspicious letters in the mail.
As I already stated above, Cody Moore and AutoProtect USA don't seem to breaking any laws by sending out the letters, as annoying as they are for recipients.
I advise anyone who receives one of these letters to simply throw them away. The BBB listing advises caution when dealing with them and even Cody Moore himself doesn't mention them on his social media accounts. That should tell you everything you need to know.
Duane Browning